Neda Olomi A R T I S T , P A I N T E R
Neda Olomi
Neda moved to Germany in 1979, following the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and later she moved to Chicago at age 17 and finally to San Diego in 1987 where she currently resides.
Neda works as a speech and language pathologist and loves to paint on her spare time.
Her diverse cultural background has had a positive influence on her style as an artist .
As a young girl growing up in Afghanistan she always wanted to draw and paint.
She took basic classes in high school but mainly was self taught.
In November 2014, she was referred to her current instructor by a close friend. Then she started learning different techniques and styles.
Her subjects range from portraits of people from different cultures to landscapes and seascapes in oils and pastels. In creating her portrait paintings, she strives to convey the emotions and moods of her subjects.
Neda Olomi has been working as an active volunteer with few non- profit organizations since 2017.
Part of the proceeds donated to International Orphan Care (IOC) organization will be put toward education and daily living for orphans and widows.